M & A & C are the top three market segments as our core business & product line and focusing on the solutions which include the software & hardware.
Basic Philosophy: Fantastic Life with Touch Science! Live with the finger, go for the point!
Touch Science is a collection of projects which are aimed at interactive visualization of science. The basic philosophy behind it is that visualization and interactivity makes science accessible, understandable and usable. Touch Science provides high quality of the hardware & software combined together as a solution that helps to get in touch with various interesting topics & markets & applications. All projects are equally creative & informative and accessible.
TRON is a conceptual wording from Transformer, just like Transformers, our products transform the features into a multi-functional device suitable for various market segments & application usages. By taking full advantage of the latest technologies, MACTRON GROUP always creates products with forward-thinking features and scale-up design. More than that, MACTRON GROUP also provides innovative concept & customized solution to fulfill any business segment needs.
Not only with the current touch technology, in our next step, we will keep developing on our innovation to work on the fundamentals of haptic technology and try to aim towards removing the need for physical human interaction while communicating with the devices
We would like to demonstrate the touchless solution which gives you the control without any contact, which also let solution providers - global customers control any PC devices without actually touching the display.
In next few years down the line, our physical body can be transformed into a virtual mouse, virtual keyboard, all turned into an input device.